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I go by A. Crowsong and I would like to write for you, or help you write for yourself!

A book cover designed for me by fusschia of DeviantArt

My name is Lindsey, and I have been working in word processors since 2003, when I was only in third grade!  I have put many, many hours into writing and have many full-length novels written.  I first published books as an indie author with Amazon in January 2020. 

Writing kept me alive in a time when I could hardly handle my own life from the inside out, as I have mental illness.  Now, I am hoping writing can help me out by giving me a chance to work with others and earn some money too!


This site will feature samples of my written works, as well as give anyone who is interested the chance to contact me.  


I am asking 100 USD per every 6,000 words written.  I write an average of 625 words per page, so this offer equals more or less 10 USD per page.


Most of my chapters, in this era of my life, are about 3 pages long.  I can do longer, but require a detailed outline to do so.  

I can help come up with an outline as well!


What do I write?

I tend to write fantasy and science fiction, when given the choice.  I can write about animals, humans, in between, or even aliens if given enough information about the species. 


What won't I write?

I will absolutely NOT write NSFW at this point.  Maybe if you offer enough pay I would consider it, but it makes me uncomfortable and I don't think I'm any good at writing it anyway. 

Due to legality and my unknowing of it, I do NOT write fanfiction at this time either, other than for myself.


How to contact me?

Check out my contact page!



Thank you for your interest!  I greatly appreciate the time you have given me!


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